Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yusef, the Imam

This was the first testimony to all your prayers.

When I was boarding the plane in New York, I noticed there was an imam on the flight. And wouldn't you know that he was seated right beside me. For 14 hours.

He had a great interest in Christianity, and he opened up with these questions: What does it mean to be born again? Why is the cross so central? Why did things stop at the cross?

Questions usually don't come that easily!

The question about the cross was about people who have lived since then. Do they have the benefit of forgiveness? I talked about Thomas and Jesus saying that blessed are those who do not see and believe. Also about the Holy Spirit in the church as we are sent to tell others about Jesus and His death.

He understood the cross for sins but didn't see how we received forgiveness. That led to the Holy Spirit.

A very good talk. I have his e-mail. He lives in Atlanta.

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