Saturday, October 11, 2008

Travel Tidpbits - 2

What could be so complicated about getting on a bus, or ordering coffee with cream? Plenty. They don't do it the way you do at home - wherever your home is.

This afternoon I got on a bus to take us to Little India. I knew the fare was 90 cents.Had it in my paw. Got up, dropped the coins in, and the driver said something to me - in Chinese. Pointed to a machine. I looked at it rather stupidly. My friend said there was a ticket there. The driver pointed again. I held up my ticket smartly. He said there were two there. Sure enough. All that only took two changes of the street light.

And coffee? I never knew there could be so many ways to have coffee, just plain coffee and cream./ I've ordered it now about four times and haven't got it right yet. Seems so easy at the 7-11.

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