Sunday, October 12, 2008

So you're a PROHS-ti-tute!

Great line from "Trading Places". Dan Ackroyd, an urbane and ultra sophisticated down-and-out realizes the trade of the woman who has taken him in.

That line occurred to me when the young lady sat down at my table at 6 this morning while I was eating my Egg McMuffin.

I had seen her go in the store. In a hurry, attractive, and not dressed modestly. When she came out to the area where I was sitting, she nearly stumbled and then took a seat at my table. She started chatting about her stumble, going home after work, and being tired. I asked where she worked. (Yeah, no kidding. Well, cut me some slack. How many times does this happen in Northumberland County?) She told me and had to repeat it a couple of times. I picked up the word "pub" but she sort of sloughed it off.

I was getting the picture. She asked me what I was doing. I said I was reading the Bible. It was open before me. She mnade a face. I said that the Bible would tell her how much Jesus loves her. I had a very strong sense of her inner pain, disgust with life, and misery underneath her exterior.

She listened to me about God giving her a new heart filled with His love. She listenend. Then she asked if I wanted to go with her. I asked her to come with me and I would take her to church. She declined but gave the ideas I had spoken some thought. Then she left.

Reminded me of the woman taken in adultery and the compassion Jesus had for her. I hope she looks to Him for the same love, the same transforming power.

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