Thursday, October 9, 2008

People - 3: George and Nancy

Julian had told me there would be a US couple at the training. I forgot about them until the day I arrived. Their story shows how small the missions world is in the Episcopal Church.

George and Nancy had served with SAMS, the South American Missionary Society, in the early 90'. I knew of them, since I had just gone off that board. They served in Costa Rica.

Then they came back and settled near Melbourne. The church they joined is led by Loren Fox, a former missionary with AFM> Julian had been at this church with Ponraj earlier this year. So there at that church were 1) a chief mentor for AFM, Ponraj, 2) the Director, Julian, 3) A fromer AFM missinary and family, the Foxes, adnd 4) future AFM candidates.

Pretty amazing. We had great talks. They are in India for a month to learn about the people group that they may be serving with. Glad that our paths crossed finally in the world of the unreached.

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