Monday, June 24, 2013

Nigerian Nuts

I'll be taking home some Nigerian honey for baking bread, but this is about nuts. Nigerian nuts, some also found in the US.

Last night Bishop Inyom, Julian Linnell, and I were enjoying a balmy night at the Bishop's Court. Gradually the conversation went to attempts each of us had made over the years to raise awareness of God's love for the unreached peoples and calling the church to respond. We each had tales, tales of extraordinary effort to get the attention of clergy, bishops, missionaries and how these efforts brought nobody. Times when promises were made and no one showed up, times with no promises and nobody, times of futile efforts.

But no, we were not complaining, not grousing, not pointing the finger. We were laughing, at times with hilarity. How come? We figured we were either nuts or in the grip of God's love for the church, God's patience for it, and God's clear and firm call on us to persevere. We were and are happy nuts.

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