Friday, October 3, 2008

Itinerary and Challenging Opportunities

Today I leave for New York and then, on one hop, land in Mumbai in India. I have a day there, due to my carrier to Patna deciding to cancel the Sunday flight and move it to Monday. I'll use the time well in sleeping and preparing for the challenging opportunities.

First c.o. is Patna, where I will assist in training some national evangelists to think about church planting, and churches that will plant other churches. Ponraj runs this organization, Bihar OutReach Network. It is a masterfully organized network of many layers of workers and efforts to see churches established in Bihar State, having 90 million Hindus and 60,000 Christians. This is my fourth time with Ponraj and BORN. The times there are exhilarating. Pray for presentations that move their thinking. October 5 - 9.

Second comes in Singapore. This will be a meeting from four continents of Anglican leaders working among the least evangelized peoples. We hope to set up an international board of AFM which will raise awareness and encourage involvement by more Anglicans in the unreached world. We're starting from scratch here, and we will really need the Lord to guide. No slackers among us but we will need unity of vision and a prudent but large vision. Oct. 9-14

Lastly, I meet with two from St. Stephen's, Jim and Lucy Logan, and three leaders from CANA, to see what the Anglicans of Nigeria are doing among unreached peoples. Anglicans there are doing more than any others anywhere else. We will concentrate on their work among the Fulani people of West Africa. We hope to see, listen, learn, and bring back informed passion and new ideas. I hope the impact will be a higher priority for mission to the least evangelized for CANA, and specific ideas for St. Stephen's and the Fulani. Again, all this is new and without agenda. The Lord will have to put this together, taking our experience and bringing us closer to His vision and His plans. Oct. 14 - 23.

Actually I leave on the 22nd, arriving in Richmond at 11 PM. That's very late for Constanve to be picking me up. She has reminded me of Jacob meeting Laban with several waves of gifts. Not sure why she brings that up.

There you have it - my itinerary and your prayer topics. Many thanks. Posting coming irregularly.


LoganBoat said...

Thanks for this terrific website. We'll be checking it each day before we depart to share your time. Bishop Orombi thanked God for the Christians who brought Jesus to Africa, the "dark continent" in the past. He prayed that we Christians can now bring the word of God, the Light, and Truth back to America! Press on, TAD!

Tom &Elaine said...

the sailors are home-you are in the wilderness---we are praying for all the work you have ahead--awesome job!!!Praying for safety and for His glory to shine in all that you do-can't wait for your next post--Blessings