Of course that term is out of fashion, and it is easy to see why. From China, the Far East is not so far away, so who gets to say it is in the East. Far East from where? That's the issue.
So here is some news that you in the Far West might have missed.
Tata, the company that will build a car for under $3,000, has just announced where it will have the plant - Gujurat. The decision was preceded by protests by farmers and environtalists. Farmers for their land, environmentalists for damage to the entire region. Gujurat landed the plant, place with fewer farmers and a large employment pool.
The Sport Page carries lots of articles about football - the kind with the round ball and a goalkeeper - and cricket. The teams are from many countries, but no US team in these games. Beckham has just passed to the third position in total appearances.
Saudi Arabia just beheaded its 73 person of this year. The victim was guilty of murder. The number of people beheaded is slightly down from last year.
UVA defeated East Carolina. Oh - sorry. That was from Google, not from the Straits Times. Besides, you probably knew that already.
Newton Circus is a food court for night laborers in Singapore. It is open from 5 PM until 5 AM. One night Constance and I wandered on down. We had just arrived from Virginia where it was mid-afternoon. She saw what she claims was the largest cockroach ever! Still, we enjoyed the place.
There have been complaints of "touts" there - hawkers who hang around the central refreshment area urging their stall on customers. The powers that be are restricting the number of people who can be associated with any stall.
Yom Kippur was celebrated in Singapore by the 1,000 Jews here. The pictures looked like they could have been any Jews in any country.
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