Monday, June 25, 2018


Our first site of refugees will be the island of Lesbos. (I think the locals spell it Lesvos. Whatever.)

It is a beautiful island. Recently we bought some olive oil from Greeks here in Richmond. The wife of one of them is from one of the cities on the island. He spoke of the beauty of the island but also of the impact of the invasion of refugees.

This island is 4.1 miles from the shores of Turkey and is the closest access point for refugees escaping to Europe. Those landing there number in the hundreds of thousands. Here is a link to an Oscar-nominated documentary on the island and its refuge:

Our first refugee site visit will be there on Lesbos, visiting the workers with Bridges. The conditions for the refugees have become deplorable with violence and unsanitary conditions. Dale tells us that Bridges has been able to secure separate housing for the two groups that have been causing violence at the camp.

One of the paintings that Constance has done is of a boat landing at Lesbos.

Next -- Packing instructions from Dale. (Hint - It will be hot in Greece, but refugees will not be wearing US-style shorts...)

Full disclosure--Actually Lesbos will be our second site. The first will be a few days for the two of us in Athens where the artist of us will have a couple of days to appreciate the art of the Golden Age of Athens. The legacy of that era of art, theatre, and philosophy continues today. So I am told.

1 comment:

Dale Berry said...

The ministry on Lesvos we will be visiting is Gateways to Life founded by William Splitgerber. We will also be visiting Bridges which is a ministry to refugees in Athens founded by Voula and Ilias Antouan.