Monday, June 24, 2013

The Dean, the Chief Advocate, the Archbishop

This would be Archbishop I. O. Kattey. He was the sponsor and principle visionary behind it. One of the 10 Archbishops in the Anglican Province of Nigeria, by his seniority he serves as the Dean of the Church of Nigeria. He also presides over several dioceses of River State, as well as his own diocese, the Diocese of Niger Delta North. The cathedral holds 5,000.

This diocese has missionaries throughout Nigeria and beyond. The congregations embrace the concept that the church has the calling to go and to send. They do both. They go. Out of their congregations have gone missionaries to Cameroon, Niger, and beyond, as well as throughout Nigeria. And they send. The financial support is generous, and the pastoral support is thorough.

All this from the vision of the Archbishop. His name is Ignatius. He is a modern model of that first great missionary, and the extravant fruit of this Ignatius was on display at the training.

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